Hi! I'm Jenna Zorn. this is my story and the reason i became a health coach
I am not the same person I was a few years ago. I literally had to leave her behind (along with the negative thoughts she had about herself), to become the person I am today.
Just a Food-Lovin', Mid-Western Girl
I’ve always had a love for food, and being a Mid-Western girl, eating good food is just our way of life! You get together – you eat. You celebrate a birthday – you eat. You do anything at all – and you eat! Living in the cold for half of the year, we use food as comfort to survive the long winters. While a lot of people can say can resist that piece of cake, I could not.
Can you relate? Does it seem like food is the center of all of your events, holidays and family get-togethers? Do you look for the biggest piece of cake on the table? Oh, I can TOTALLY relate!
I Put Everyone Else's Needs Ahead of My Own
I was the biggest people-pleaser to ever walk this earth! I couldn’t say no to anyone…not to my two daughters wanting me to do things that they were too lazy to do, not to the school requesting me to volunteer, not anybody. I agreed to do WHATEVER someone asked, and WHENEVER they needed it. I used to be so proud of being SUPER WOMAN – being that person that EVERYONE COULD COUNT ON. However, today I take pride in having the strength to say “NO”.
Do you say “YES” when you really want to say “NO”? I totally get that because you’d rather make everyone else happy – even if it’s at the expense of your own happiness. Not anymore, my friend! IT’S YOUR TIME TO SHINE!
A 90-Pound Heavier HOT MESS!
Ninety pounds ago, I was a miserable hot mess! I knew that I was overweight, but I’d never considered that maybe some of my own poor lifestyle habits had contributed to my health problems and autoimmune issues that I’d started having.
The colitis attacks, the tingling and buzzing in my body, the osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, the high blood pressure, the high cholesterol that led to a heart stent placement, the sleep problems, the allergies, the problems with my vision, the memory issues and brain fog, and the ongoing anxiety and depression…I thought they were all “just a part of getting older”. My body was crying “uncle”, trying to tell me that I needed to make some changes before it was too late”.
Do you suffer from any of these same symptoms? Do you have other symptoms that might be trying to send you an emergency signal? Do you have FLC Syndrome? FLC is when you always Feel Like Crap!

Weight: 248 lbs.
Height: 5’9″
BMI: 36.6 (Obese Range)
Blood Pressure: 152/90 (Stage 2 Hypertension)
Cholesterol: 248 (High Risk Range)
Chronic Disease:
- IBS/Colitis
- Coronary Artery Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Depression & Anxiety
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis of Thumbs
- Sleep Apnea
- Pre-Diabetes

Weight: 158 lbs.
Height: 5’9″
BMI: 23.3 (Normal Range)
Blood Pressure: 116/71
Cholesterol: 201 (<200 is desirable)
Chronic Disease:
- Occasional Rheumatoid Flare Up
- Osteoarthritis of Thumbs
Are You My Doctor or My Drug Dealer?
As I continued to have health issues, I found myself spending several hours a week at different doctor’s offices. Each time I’d leave with 2-3 new prescriptions. I took so many pills, for so many different issues, that I had to buy a bigger pill container to fit them all! About six years ago I’d learned that I had a condition that was causing my immune system to overreact, causing inflammation throughout my body. My doctors weren’t to blame – they are trained to treat the problem after it occurs, not to prevent it!
Does your doctor prescribe you medications that either have horrible side effects or just don’t seem to help?
Rock Bottom is a REALLY Low Place
I was losing hope that I’d ever feel better again. The medications never helped much and had awful side effects. Why did I have immune system problem and why had it created so many health problems for me? I felt sorry for myself and wasn’t much fun to be around. I felt like a burden on my family. My kids would say “Mom, you’re always sick”. After hearing that several times, I started to think maybe they’d be better off without me. I felt hopeless and was about to give up. I was at rock bottom. My thoughts were really scaring me and I knew that I ABSOLUTELY had to take my health back into my own hands.
Have you ever been at rock bottom? Are you at rock bottom today? I sure hope not, but I sincerely feel your pain if you are. Don’t give up! I am here to help you!
Taking Responsibility for My Poor Lifestyle Habits
It was time to take some responsibility and stop the blame game. I was tired of putting my health in the hands of others. I decided to take ownership of my own health – the way I should have from the very beginning. I PUT MY TRUST INTO MY BODY TO TELL ME WHAT WAS GOOD (AND BAD) FOR ME. I had no choice but to change…because I WAS going to be around for my family, and be a mom that my kids could be proud of.
I went to Dr. Google and started to solve my own issues! I learned about functional medicine, gut health and the foods we eat, and how it greatly impacts our immune system.
I stopped blaming and started doing. I started eating better, exercising, and learning everything I possibly could to improve my health.
I learned how to use nutrition as my medication – and not rely on all of those pharmacy drugs that had never made me feel any better! I cleaned up my gut, reduced my inflammation, and most of the autoimmune conditions went into remission!
I learned through the study of epigenetics that my inherent genes were only responsible for 20% of my medical conditions, which meant that 80% of my issues had been brought on by my own lifestyle choices! It was my choice whether I continued with the same poor habits that had made me sick and fat, or to take the necessary steps to improve my own health. I learned to eat healthier, exercise more, and reduce my stress in order to feel great again. It was all in my control! I also learned that you can even reverse some of your crappy genes with proper nutrition and lifestyle!
Which lifestyle changes are you willing to make to improve your life and overall health? Are you ready for a new type of weight loss that doesn’t have you eating foods that you hate?
Are you or your genes responsible for your health?
I Literally Had to Become a New Person
Making lifestyle changes on my own was not easy. I had to drop all of the negative self-talk and learn a new way of life. I literally transformed into a new person. I started small and made tiny habit changes all along the way.
The first day I decided to add exercise to my regimen, all I could do was dance around the room while I listened to music. When I got really winded, I’d slow it down and congratulate myself for JUST DOING SOMETHING!
Day after day, I consistently made better choices. I learned how to listen to my body. I started feeling a little better, I was able to stop some of my medications, and the pounds finally started coming off. I committed to my own long term health, and refused to go on another crazy fad diet that wasn’t sustainable. This healthier version of me is just who I am now. I never think of my weight loss in terms of “how can I keep this off”? I treat myself kindly on good days and bad.
Are you willing to take the time needed to lose the weight slowly, the right way? You didn’t gain all of your weight in 30 days, and you will not lose it in 30 days! I know you’re tired of crazy fad diets that don’t work. I think by this point in your life you realize there is no such thing as a “quick fix” or a “miracle pill”. But you do see that the way you’ve been eating is starting to affect the way you feel. You want a long-term solution. You want to be able to enjoy life again. It is all possible for you!
How I handle the bad days now
I still have times that I make poor choices, but I never let it turn into a full-blown relapse of bad behavior. Instead of beating myself up for the bad choice, I write myself a personal note to remind myself how far I’ve come, and that going back to that old miserable life is no longer an option. I have learned to hold myself accountable for my own health, but I never look at a bad day negatively. I get up the next morning as if the previous day never existed, and get right back into my healthy routine.
I love myself too much now to give into the negative self-talk like I used to. I know I am worthy of a good and healthy life…and so are YOU! So when I say I understand how hard it is to lose weight and change bad habits, I am speaking from my heart.
Do you think you can start loving yourself again? Are you willing to not give up – even after a bad day? I KNOW YOU CAN!
Why I became a Health Coach
Looking back, I wish I’d known then about the role of a health coach. Health coaches aren’t just there to nag you to eat healthier and exercise, but instead to support, empathize, and guide you throughout your journey to a healthier life. I finally figured out the solution to a long-term healthy lifestyle. I DON’T EAT KALE every day and I occasionally DO EAT A DONUT! I enjoy life – in moderation – the way we’re all meant to live. I became a health coach because I want YOU to feel as good and vibrant as I feel today.
I know you feel that you’ve tried every diet under the sun and that nothing will ever work for you, but would you be willing to give it one more try? No restrictive diets or things you hate to eat – just taking it slow with tiny habit changes? Please never give up on yourself because you deserve to feel amazing once again! Let’s talk about where you are currently at, and what needs to happen to get you where you want to be. Nothing changes until you decide to take action! Make yourself a priority in your life and let’s get started RIGHT NOW!
Set Up a free 30-minute discovery call Today!
I BELIEVE in the power of MY STORY…my own personal life’s struggles give me the empathy and understanding needed to guide you like no other.
I BELIEVE every struggle has VALUE…lessons to learn and habits to change in order to become our BEST.
I BELIEVE that you need to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY because it is really good at telling you when things aren’t working the way they should.
I BELIEVE in the power of KNOWLEDGE, because having a tool kit of evidence-based information helps guide us in making BETTER DECISIONS about our health.
I BELIEVE in the power of CONSISTENCY…choosing one small change at a time…and doing it day after day…until it becomes a habit.
I BELIEVE it’s important to HONOR where you are right now, because whatever reason got you to this moment…it has made you ready for change.
I BELIEVE you are a CAPABLE and have the STRENGTH to make lasting change.
I BELIEVE it’s time for you to LIVE A BETTER LIFE!