individual & Group health coaching

Health Coaching Could be for YOU if…
- You’ve had a hard time losing weight…or have lost it in the past but can’t seem to keep it off.
- You’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, taking medications as prescribed, and still don’t feel well.
- You’ve been told you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and hate the thought of taking medications for the rest of your life to control it.
- You lack the energy and motivation to exercise – even though you know it would make you look and feel better.
- You often feel stressed out and overwhelmed with many things in your life.
- You feel overwhelmed with all of the information available and don’t know where to even start.
- You’ve had to put your own health on the back burner while you focus on raising your kids, advancing your career, or taking care of parents whose health is failing.
- You can’t remember the last time you really felt “great”.
- You know you want to start loving, trusting and accepting yourself, but you’re not sure how to get to that place from where you are now.

Focus on your whole being: From exercise programming and nutritional guidance to support and motivation, we take a holistic approach and understand the science behind true behavior modification. With a focus on enhancing, preserving and maintaining health, and preventing illness, we understand the emotional, physical, behavioral, nutritional and lifestyle factors that are needed to enhance your overall health and well-being.
Establish a connection: One of the most important things we do is work to establish rapport built on respect and trust. To allow for a successful and effective coach-client relationship, we establish an understanding of the psychological, behavioral and emotional needs and characteristics of you as an individual. That understanding begins by identifying your unique personality through open communication and active listening.
Set SMART Goals: With understanding your personality and your personal interests, past successes and failures, your attitudes and beliefs about health and fitness, and your readiness to change, we will work with you to establish SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals. Through this effective approach, which helps you establish both short- and long-term goals that are continually revisited, we will help you to take goals and transform them into reality.
Retrain the way you think: We help each individual establish positive self-talk (the things we tell ourselves) by identifying negative, irrational and erroneous beliefs. By becoming aware of situations where negative self-talk occurs, including times when you may say to yourself, “I hate my thighs,” we help you shift to a more accurate and positive way of thinking. By listening and applying our expertise, we help you transform your self-talk to thoughts like, “Leg exercises to firm up my thighs might be tough, but they are going to look great in shorts!”
Overcome barriers: From lack of time to financial constraints, inclement weather, injury or medical issues, there are a number of environmental and lifestyle factors that often serve as external barriers to people trying to improve their health. Coupled with internal barriers such as low self-esteem and intimidation about exercising in front of others, we will work with you to diffuse anxieties and identify misconceptions that may be standing in the way of you reaching your goals. Although obstacles are inevitable, we will arm you with the skills you need to cope with current and future barriers and provide you with strategies to help you get back on track following temporary slip ups.
Become self-reliant: Our ultimate goal is to help you to become self-reliant…to have the motivation on your own to adopt healthy habits. From helping you create or maintain an environment that fosters success to finding and implementing a support system, we are committed to teaching you the skills you need to succeed in reaching your goals.
Make it a lifestyle: We enable you to see the value in reaching your health-related goals. We will empower you to take ownership of creating positive, lasting lifestyle changes that enhance what you do in everyday life.
WE BELIEVE YOU CAN HAVE THE LIFE YOU HAVE ALWAYS DREAMED ABOUT…but in order to make that happen, you have to stop repeating the same old patterns and habits that have put you where you are today and decide to take one small step down a different path!
Take that first small step today by scheduling your free 30-minute discovery session with us now!

This first call is a no-pressure opportunity for us to talk deeply about where you’re currently at, the obstacles you face daily that have held you back, and how you see your future, healthier life.
During our free discovery session, we will:
- talk through how you’ve been feeling and how long you’ve been feeling that way (health problems, weight struggles, sleep issues, stress, anxiety, being out of shape, depression, etc) – plus anything else you’d like to work on (marriage/relationships, career, finances, etc.)…..there is no limit to how much you can achieve once you improve your overall health!
- become very clear on your goals and what you really want for your life.
- begin to discover what’s been holding you back from breaking through obstacles and moving forward—you CAN overcome those things!
- start to see all that is possible with your powerful transformation, and step into the future of the new, healthy and happy YOU!
- empower you to take the next best step that’s right for YOU—with no high-pressured sales pitch!
There’s no need to make a decision about working together over the phone — this call is about YOU — learning about YOU, answering questions YOU may have, and making sure YOU feel comfortable…all while understanding that our conversations are held in the strictest confidence, and with compassion and empathy.
When we work together, whether we work together for one session or for 6 months, we are here for YOU and dedicated to YOU. Our goal is that you realize we are your biggest fan, your listening ear and your gentle guide throughout the process. We strive to make you feel extremely relaxed so that you know it’s okay to be vulnerable and fully yourself with us. We work diligently to make you feel like you belong, and that you can count on us – not only as your health coach – but as your biggest cheerleader!
If you are interested in making a change in your life – whether it be losing weight, reducing the likelihood of getting a lifestyle disease, getting more exercise, reducing your stress, or all of the above, please schedule your first free 30-minute discovery call with us today!

option 1
individual Health coaching
in-person, by phone or video chat
Best suited for the client that:
- is in need of in-depth support
- has been struggling for quite some time, and just can’t seem to make progress on their own
- is in need of a lifestyle change
- needs some accountability built into their daily routine
12-Week Commitment: Studies show it takes a minimum of 67 days to make a change. Twelve weeks is the perfect amount of time to see positive results and to make some sustainable changes in your health
o Week One: Initial 60-minute one-on-one health and lifestyle assessment with coach (via phone)
o Weeks 2-12: 45-Minute One-on-One Coaching Sessions (via in-person, phone, or video chat)
- Identify the factors that have kept you from sustainable success in the past
- Identity how to recognize and change the thought patterns that keep you stuck (“I’m just not motivated enough”, “I’ll always be overweight”, etc)
- Learn how other lifestyle factors impact on your success (sleep, stress, time management, daily routines, surroundings, etc)
Each weekly 45-minute session will look like:
- Review of previous week’s wins and challenges (15 minutes)
- Continue exploration and learning process through behavioral change methods and evaluate progress towards goal(s) (30 minutes)
- Client’s questions, comments, and/or concerns (10 minutes)
- Coach’s closing affirmation (5 minutes)
Email/text support between sessions (M-F 9am-6pm)
Weekly post-session client summary (sent via email)
Our personal commitment to your health and success!
option 2
Group Health coaching
virtual via Zoom video conferencing platform
Best suited for the client that:
- is in need of a lifestyle change
- needs some accountability built into their daily routine
- is not quite ready (or able to) make the financial commitment that individual coaching requires
- thrives in a group setting
12-Week Commitment: Studies show it takes a minimum of 67 days to make a change. Twelve weeks is the perfect amount of time to see positive results and to make some sustainable changes in your health
o Week One: Initial 60-minute one-on-one health and lifestyle assessment with coach (via phone)
o Weeks 2-12: One-Hour Group Coaching Sessions (via Zoom Video Conferencing Platform)
- Identify the factors that have kept you from sustainable success in the past
- Identity how to recognize and change the thought patterns that keep you stuck (“I’m just not motivated enough”, “I’ll always be overweight”, etc)
- Learn how other lifestyle factors impact on your success (sleep, stress, time management, daily routines, surroundings, etc)
Each weekly 60-minute session will be split into 4 sections:
- Welcome from coach (5 minutes)
- Individual member’s recap of their week (3 min each, 30 minutes total)
- Coach’s lesson for the week (20 minutes)
- Coach’s closing affirmation (5 minutes)
Weekly post-session summary (sent via email)
Access to our private group’s Facebook page (you will never be alone in a tough moment and can ask your coach questions along the way)
Our personal commitment to your health and success!
As a client of our health coaching program, you will…
- Accomplish goals in an empowering and exciting way.
- Work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight and new healthy habits.
- Learn how to listen to your body and quiet your mind.
- Feel better than you’ve felt in years (or maybe better than you’ve ever felt)!
- Increase your energy levels.
- Learn about what nutrients your body needs to thrive.
- Improve your personal relationships.
- Recharge your sex life.
Discover a new confidence to create the life you’ve been dreaming of!

- Are 100% committed to the work we’ll do together— both during and between sessions.
- Ready to feel better, look better, and feel less stressed.
- Willing to accept new challenges and ditch the bad habits of your past.
- Willing to be open, honest and vulnerable, with the understanding that our sessions are a safe space.
- Believe you’re capable of change, and willing to embrace the new healthy you.
- Are excited to get started!
Start your journey on the path to a healthier life today! Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with us by clicking the button below