health coaching in a clinical setting Program Options

Engaging patients in behavior changes can improve their overall health and reduce the amount of medical care they need, but it’s often difficult for physicians to find the extra time to collaborate and plan these types of strategies. Referring your patient to a health coach can take on a lot of these responsibilities to advance lifestyle changes, prevention and patient health.
Many doctors are now referring patients to health coaches for support in bettering their lifestyles and overall health.
Why offer health coaching to your patients?
- Despite advances in modern medicine — and massive amounts of money spent on healthcare — the average American’s health continues to decline.
- Having a health coach involved in a patient’s care can not only increase patient satisfaction and engagement, but also reduce physician stress and burnout by freeing up time.
- Health coaches have a wealth of knowledge in healthy eating, exercise physiology, stress management and life-balancing tools and techniques.
- Diabetes and obesity rates are at an all-time high among adults and children.
- Autoimmune diseases have dramatically increased worldwide.
- The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that 86% of our healthcare dollars are spent on the treatment of chronic diseases as a nation.
People are overwhelmed with the immense amount of conflicting information on nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle, making it very difficult to make healthy, sustainable lifestyle choices.
Health coaches provide the accountability, motivational, and emotional support, and fill in the gaps between what the healthcare industry traditionally provides and what many people need.

let’s work together
We are excited you are here and have taken an interest in our health coaching services! We have the following plan options available to local healthcare providers, but can also work to develop a personalized program that works for you.
small group
health coaching
Small Group Health Coaching can be held in your clinical office, at an offsite location, or via Zoom video conferencing platform.
Members of a cohesive group often experience a sense of belonging, which may empower individual group members to make positive changes. The boost to self-efficacy that can be gained from seeing similar individuals make positive changes is also very helpful to the struggling patient.
Small group coaching offers the potential for cost savings to the payer and greater reach of the physician's patient list.
Use of our private Facebook group is available to patients who are interested. This tool has proven helpful by having the support of others (in addition to the health coach), who are also working on similar lifestyle changes. The health coach is also interacting with the patients within the Facebook group between sessions - yet another avenue for building accountability into the program.
Prices vary depending on the size of the group and the length of the coaching sessions.
Payment structure is determined by the referring physician.
Some Payment Option Ideas:
Patient Covers 100%
Physician Covers 100%
Physician 50%, Patient 50%
health coaching
One-on-One Health Coaching can be held at your clinical office, at an offsite location, or via Zoom video conferencing platform..
One-on-One coaching is best suited for the patient with multiple chronic diseases, or patients that have many contributing risk factors to address (although these two factors typically go hand-in-hand).
While One-on-One coaching can be more costly than group coaching, the program is highly customized to the specific needs of the individual patient.
Use of our private Facebook group is available to patients who are interested. This tool has proven helpful by having the support of others (in addition to the health coach), who are also working on similar lifestyle changes. The health coach is also interacting with the patients within the Facebook group between sessions - yet another avenue for building accountability into the program.
Prices vary depending on the individual patient's needs, and how long they will require the services. Patients can sometimes utilize HSA funds as well.
Payment structure is determined by the referring physician.
Some Payment Option Ideas:
Patient Covers 100%
Physician Covers 100%
Physician 50%, Patient 50%cli